Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Great Buddha of Kamakura

Until I find enough inspiration at home, the Tokyo posts will continue! This giant bronze Buddha statue was truly incredible, I'm not sure if the photo does it justice. Apparently the building it was housed in got washed away by a tsunami in 1498, then the base was destroyed by an earthquake in 1923, but he's clearly staying put.


ittybittyandpretty said...

lovely blog..great 'loot' in the previous post!

pewPewPEWWW said...

That's incredible! And the statue is stiil in such great condition. Any idea how old it is?

mrsjohn said...

lovely blog..great 'loot' in the previous post!
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Luciano Giraldez said...

Este es mi blog donde subo mis mejores dibujos. Espero que pasen y opinen!!!